
Monday, September 26, 2011

Farmed fish increasing drastically

In the US, due to an increase of fish consumption people are considering to farm fish for consumption due to a drastic increase of seafood. Mr. Josh Goldman is a fish farmer and runs its own farm in the U.S and believed that it’s a great idea as far as he is not destroying the ocean.

The world largest ecosystem and its habitats are being over exploited and depleted by fishing industries. If no solution is found, the existence of wild fish can be greatly at risk in the coming years.  A report issued from the UN (United Nation) says that 32% of the global fish stocks are exploited and 90% of the large species such as tuna & marlin have been the main preys of human beings for the past century. The two species heading towards extinction are the Atlantic cod and the Blufin tuna which have been fished excessively.

Humans have started to farm fish 4000 years ago and it began with the Chinese who introduced the fish ponds. Farmed fish is as good as wild fish as in the few years to come, the oceans will not be able to provide the amount of seafood humans beings are demanding. Fifty years after the introduction of Chinese ponds, aquaculture has gained popularity and has become an industry. Aquaculture grew from 1 million to 47.3 million tons of fish, which consists of feeding half of the globe with farmed fish.

Since the mid of the 1990s the worldwide fishing industry has caught 80 million tons of fishes in a year and this result was not enough to keep up with the global seafood demand. Fish is in great demand in the world due to its tasty flesh and heart-healthy form of protein which kept on rising.  Fish comes with many benefits and it is recommended to consume it twice weekly in a meal.