
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Can we count on the oceans to feed us in the coming years?

Fish are eaten by billions of people all around the globe. The unanswered question is: will the oceans be able to feed the earth’s population in the coming years as in the past decades.

One among the fishes mostly eaten by people is the tuna, this type of fish is being fished unsustainably all around the globe.   The world’s fishes are being exploited by 32% and it has been this way since 1990 and according to the statistics, aqua life is getting scarcer. The U.S. has fixed some restrictions on the fishing sector and this step has allowed some fishes to rebound but unfortunately other countries didn’t comply with this.
The skipjack is the only fish that has not been heavily fished till now, according to the United Nation Food and Agriculture Organization.  In 2007 a law was signed by the U.S. President, Mr. George W. Bush, which is to place a limit amount on the amount fishing. This law was passed so as we get rid of over fishing and let the future aquaculture population grow safely.  However, overfishing is not the only worries as people are destroying the natural habitat of fishes and the coast which scientists believe is irreversible.
Different kinds of steps are being taken so as to improve this situation, people are relying more on fish farming and laws are being strict on sustainability so as to improve the fishing sector. The earlier the global management starts the better are the chances to increase wild life. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Norway exports of cod hits top record.

The cod fish is one of the most important marine fish in Norway. Cod is found in the northern reaches of the Atlantic Ocean and about 500, 000 tons of fish are captured each year.
In October the overseas sale of cod fish was of 157.5 million euro, it includes stockfish, salted and dried cod. Compared to last year an increase of 4% is visible and this rise is highly beneficial for the Norway export market.
Norway profited about 1.23 million euro due to the foreign export of all types of cod fish.  The Norway cod and haddock continue to be in demand and this is a profitable and positive aspect for the country’s fishing industry. The country’s economy is prospering from the frozen fish with a total export of 39.7 million euro and is 77% higher than in October 2010. The only competitor of Norway is China which is considered as the biggest single importer of white fish.
Farming of cod is also on the rise but a decrease of 43% was noted. Despite this decrease in export of fishes like farmed cods and salmons, Norway and china remains the 2 biggest export countries. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Italia want to buy hake fish directly from Namibia

Last month during a meeting which was held in Italy, between the Namibian and the Italian businessmen, it was suggested that the new director of Food Import and Export Agency intend to import fish directly from Namibia. Mr. Alexandro Lamana said that it would be more practical and cheaper to import hake directly from Namibia rather than to get it through Spain.

According to Mr. Lamana, getting fish products from Namibia through Spain is very expensive and bulky and the surcharges make the fish products more expensive. The other issue that they have is that they do not receive the fish products that they ordered. If for example, Spain does not have hake in stock, they will send crabs or other products they have in stock. In other words, they are not 100% satisfied to deal with Spain concerning the seafood products as they always get leftovers.
The representative of Italy intends to visit Namibia and start dealing directly from there and find a way to form partners with the Namibian fisheries.

The fish products exported from Spain are the swordfish, crabs, hake and rock lobster.  In Namibia, the average landings per year are approximately about 500 000metric tones and 90% of the fishes are exported to Europe, Asia, USA and the rest of Africa.  The recorded value for 2009 was of 7 million Namibian dollars.   The Marine Resources and Fisheries permanent secretary Ulitala Hiveluah suggested that the Italian business people begin to invest in the processing, marketing and exploring of the marine resources in Namibia. She highlighted that the Namibian Government will always continue to encourage foreigners to participate in the exploring of marine resources through joint beneficial scheme joint.  She also added that there are great potential investments in the local fisheries industry especially for the large pelagic fish, seals and horse mackerel.

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Michigan’s fish and other sport fish contain more mercury, report says.

According to a report the Walleye and other sport fish contain more mercury that one could imagine. These fishes are found in the Great Lakes region and in certain parts of Michigan.  However, their presence could be dangerous for consumers of these species.
Scientist studied the toxin in these sport fish as it could have harmful effects on pregnant women and children’s brain development. One of the officers in charge of the study said that Michigan has been under a mercury fish advisory for years and they are still not sure that the coming report will give an exact feedback about the level of mercury. It’s an alarming situation for fish consumers as they will have to abstain themselves.  There is still an inheritance of toxin which persists even if an evaluation has shown a 20 % decline in emission, said the Tuesday report.
The mercury in fish is still a great threat for the inhabitants of this region and its surroundings. Scientists said that despite the fall in emission, the mercury continues to be present in some species and this is a major issue for humans and the wildlife. The study clearly showed that the concentrations of mercury in some fishes are very high. Over the past four decades, especially in lakes and rivers the toxin level is quite high. After 3years of study, in a report was released by the Great Lakes Commission, it was said that the fish was uneatable due to the high level of toxin. It includes the northern pike, walleyes, lake trout and the large-mouth bass. The analysis also shows that the level of contamination depends on the place the species were caught.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Seafood products

Seafood consumption is good for health.  It is a good source of vitamin, protein, mineral, and it is also low in sodium, calories and saturated fat.  A large variety of fish contain polyunsaturated fat also known as Omega-3 fatty acids.  It is very beneficial to heart disease patients as it lowers blood pressure and triglycerides.  New research shows that fat in fish also reduces pain and inflammation linked to arthritis, colitis and asthma.  The consumption of fish helps to cure depression and bipolar illness.
Despite the fact that most fish are safe to eat, consumption of some of them should be avoided due to high level of mercury.  Hence, the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Environmental Protection Agency have set up the following plan: 
Consume of fish every 2 weeks and try to eat shell fish as its low in mercury especially for toddlers, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
Do not eat shark, king mackerel, tilefish and swordfish as their level of mercury is high.
Eat low mercury fish such as albacore tuna, salmon, Pollock, catfish and canned light tuna.
Always remain well inform on the quality of fish you consume and do not exceed fish consumption.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Imported seafood to America tainted with drugs.

The U.S. has been the biggest importer of seafood in the last decade with an amount of more than 17.6 million tons. According to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) says that only 2% of imported seafood is inspected and only 0.1 % is tested for prohibited drugs residue. Thus, the dirty infected marine products are finding a way to enter the American market. This is not safe for the population’s health as stated by the government, officials and other food safety experts.
Mr. Siobhan Delancey (FDA spokeswoman) said the firm is trying its best to ensure the safety of imported seafood. A modern method of proceeding which is known as “preventative controls” is being used and it includes the reviewing of company’s safety plans.  Documentations clearly show how food operators deal with safety procedures.  The experts state that the volume of imports is considerable that it is not wise to rely only on the surveillance at the border. The microbiologist Michael Doyle said that analysis would improve if the FDA would have the manpower to inspect all the shipments.
For the past decade, tuna, salmon and shrimp are the 3 most imported seafood in the U.S.  The major part of which are farm- raised in Indonesia, Vietnam, china and Thailand. The quality of food used to feed the shrimps and tilapia in china and Thailand are human waste and untreated animal compost.
The question which is raised is how safe the nation’s food is and the answer is complicated, said a 27 year old journalist who spent 10 weeks this summer, gathering and interviewing experts from almost everywhere across the country.
 It was found that each year in the U.S. 48 million of people suffer from food borne illnesses, 128, 000 required hospitalization and 3000 died. The U.S. Food and Drugs Administration anticipate that 24 million products will enter the country in 2011 and only 1.59% of them will be inspected.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Healthy benefits and 5 most nutritious seafood that must be eaten

We always tend to think that the only healthy nutritious foods are fruit and vegetables when we hear “healthy eating habits”.   But there is lots of interesting food categories which are good for health and need to be included in everyday meal.
Seafood is one among these categories and although many people consider it as an ‘exotic food’ for special occasion, it might be a very good ingredient if introduced in your daily meal.  Besides, it’s a fact that seafood is delicious and a very good source of minerals (phosphorus, iron, zinc and potassium), proteins and vitamins.  Many seafood products are low in fat, cholesterol (saturated fat), sodium and vitamins (A, B6 and B12). Seafood benefits are amazing for our health. Some of its categories are better than vegetables and fruits.
Here are 10 extraordinary benefits seafood can have when consumed

Low blood pressure
Help in the good functioning of the eyes, brain and nerves development for kids
Acts as a protection against bronchitis
Protects against Emphysema
Reduce risk of depression
Help in the good functioning of heart and reduce the risk of heart disease
Boost immune system
Prevent Cancer
Lose weight
Prevent Arthritis and osteoporosis

Some most nutritious seafood is:

Pink Shrimps

Monday, September 26, 2011

Farmed fish increasing drastically

In the US, due to an increase of fish consumption people are considering to farm fish for consumption due to a drastic increase of seafood. Mr. Josh Goldman is a fish farmer and runs its own farm in the U.S and believed that it’s a great idea as far as he is not destroying the ocean.

The world largest ecosystem and its habitats are being over exploited and depleted by fishing industries. If no solution is found, the existence of wild fish can be greatly at risk in the coming years.  A report issued from the UN (United Nation) says that 32% of the global fish stocks are exploited and 90% of the large species such as tuna & marlin have been the main preys of human beings for the past century. The two species heading towards extinction are the Atlantic cod and the Blufin tuna which have been fished excessively.

Humans have started to farm fish 4000 years ago and it began with the Chinese who introduced the fish ponds. Farmed fish is as good as wild fish as in the few years to come, the oceans will not be able to provide the amount of seafood humans beings are demanding. Fifty years after the introduction of Chinese ponds, aquaculture has gained popularity and has become an industry. Aquaculture grew from 1 million to 47.3 million tons of fish, which consists of feeding half of the globe with farmed fish.

Since the mid of the 1990s the worldwide fishing industry has caught 80 million tons of fishes in a year and this result was not enough to keep up with the global seafood demand. Fish is in great demand in the world due to its tasty flesh and heart-healthy form of protein which kept on rising.  Fish comes with many benefits and it is recommended to consume it twice weekly in a meal.  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Deep sea creatures and natural habitat in great danger

An urgent call is being made by scientists to stop unsustainable fisheries and commercial fishing in the ocean. The earth’s largest ecosystem, which some call ‘deep sea’ or ‘high seas’, is being depleted of its creatures and this can lead to extinctions of some species.
A team of marine scientists from every corner of the world is recommending stopping fishing in deep sea water.  Instead they are suggesting to fish in productive water nearer to consumers. In a complete analysis published by the journal Marine Policy, experts show how, with rare exceptions, deep-sea fisheries are unsustainable.
According to experts and scientists, deep sea is the worst area on earth to fish as these fishes are vulnerable and take time to reproduce after being overfished. In the cold depths of the oceans, life processes is at a low pace and food is scarce compare to near the lagoon or sea surface. Deep sea corals can live for more than 4,000 years and fishes’ lifespan is of more than a century but when massive destruction from trawlers rip life from this depth it might take more than a lifetime to repair the damages.  The high sea contribute only 1% of seafood in the world and this commercial fishing started in 1970s when coastal fisheries were depleted and fishing fleets moved into deep waters. Dr Selina Heppell said that in deep sea it’s impossible to monitor or control the amount of fishing occurring and its effect can be devastating. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Significant amount of seafood removed from the market due to un-sustainability

The latest update is that the largest seafood industry in Canada will be removing more seafood products from its selling list due to un-sustainability. There has been a significant amount of sea products which has been removed from the market and these species are the sharks and the bluefin tuna among many other aqua life.
The cost of removing those species from their chart might cost them $250,000 yearly but the company main concern is to provide sustainable seafood and maintained the good reputations of the business. The vice- president of Vancouver- based Albion Fisheries Ltd Mr. Guy Dean said that they will not trade with seafood which is not traceable and certified by the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) as sustainable.
Some fisheries have gains the MSC certifications and other not, this is the reason why the company removed the Chilean sea bass from its list in 2005. In 2010, the sharks and the bluefin tuna were also added to the list of unsustainable seafood. The Albion’s company is owned by Gordon Food Service Canada and 50% of its seafood is sold to its retailers while the rest are purchased by the food service outlets. Mr. Dean highlighted that the company is committed to constant challenges about delivering the best quality products and move toward sustainable seafood. This is the only way to maintain and serve clients accordingly and preserve the natural resources.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fish best nutritious food ever!

Fish is classified as the best nutrient in the food chart and studies have shown that fish oil can help to improve people health from rheumatoid to heart disease problems. Besides, fish is recommended for the good functioning of the arthritis, prevention menstrual pain and muscles loss.

A GP based in Sydney said that - impressive results have been noticed and led a way out for patient who suffers from coronary heart disease and lower triglycerides.  Fish oil holds so many benefits consequently experts revealed that Omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA in fish oil are nutritious and beneficial for the skin.  It is the largest organ of the body which is a great indicator of our physical state. 

Fish oil holds many benefits such as anti-inflammatory qualities which may be helpful for eczema and psoriasis.  Fish is highly nutritious and is good for the good functioning of the brain and play a big role in the prevention of stroke.  Omega-3 fatty acids help to reduce swelling, pain and prevent the blood from clotting easily.
Fish oil can be included in the diet by taking supplements and by eating fish. Fish which are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are tuna, salmon, mackerel, sturgeon, mullet, bluefish, sardines, herring and trout. For every 300 grams of fish, they provide one gram of omega-3 fatty acids.  It is highly recommended to include fish in our diet as it as fish is highly beneficial for health.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Salmon fish healthier and cheaper

The nation’s favorite fish is now salmon instead of cod due to its numerous healthy benefits and cost.  Cod and chips was the British favorite dish so far before its being replaced by salmon. A survey revealed that 
people tend to find that ordering salmon instead of Cod is being classified as “more refined”. One third of people eat fish 3 to 4 times a week and a small portion stayed loyal to the traditional Friday supper which is the famous fish and chips. 

The new chart for seafood is now as followed:

Sea bass
A pub restaurant Brewer and Chef, Mr. Kevin Steppe said that cod and chips a traditional British dish and will always remains so, but it’s nice to discover that families are trying new kinds of seafood’s to their meals. Smoked salmon and sushi are becoming more in demand and a study shows that 60% of households eat more fish than 5 years ago. The benefits of eating fish are endless and even being a simple dish its quick to cook. It is rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acid and is raised as farmed fish.   Mr. Kevin added that there are varieties of seafood and it’s very good to see customers trying different species.  

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Namibia - Drastic weather forecast forced the inhabitants to adjust to changes.

According to experts in climate change, Namibia is forced to adjust to the drastic weather forecast. The changing of temperature will have a terrific effect on 70 % of the inhabitants in Namibia and this will have a bad impact on the agricultural and fishing sector of the country.

The heavy rainfall has already begun and this year’s overflow level is 8 cms higher than the 2009 flood period.  The affected areas in Namibia are the Cuvelai Basin which is found in the central northern part of Namibia where half of the population lives. Since this natural calamity, 21 school kids died in this flood and extensive damages were caused on roads, buildings and other infrastructures. This alarming situation forced people to move away from their homes and causing an unstable routine.

Namibia financial sector will need to adapt to these changes as this might have a bad effect on the Namibians and the economic zone. The country relied mostly on fisheries, agriculture and eco- tourism.  There will be a high possible increase in poverty, lack of incomes and unemployment if adaptation is not possible which might lead to weakness in families, said Mr. Ephraim Nekongo the chairperson of the Oshana Regional Youth Forum.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Florida- large amount of aqua life killed for unknown reasons

Since Monday in the South West of Florida, an awful discovery was made which consists of many aqua lives floating in water.  Few tourists from Naples witness this heart-breaking event and one of them spoke out and said that they couldn’t help out when discovering different interesting marine life on the edges of the coast.

Researchers said that numerous studies will be done on the samples collected and their aim is to work out on what killed the creatures in this area. Biologists stated that maybe the fishes were pushed towards the seashore due to level of stress. Another researcher also highlighted that the large pieces of algae found in collier country can be poisonous for the marine life. Besides, according to the water samples collected analysis clearly shows that the level of oxygen was relatively low which can lead to the death of fishes in water.

No signs of parasites, red tide or diseases were found in the seawater and the creatures from collier country.  Nevertheless, biologists still need to analyse some seawater and dead sharks from the beach, thus leaving a gap in finding the real causes of the dead fishes.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Seawork Fish Processor targeting new continent

Seawork Fish Processor is a global export fishing company based in Walvis Bay, Namibia. The company specializes in catching and processing of hake fish. The two methods use for the catch is through long –liners and trawlers vessels. The amount of catch per year by the company are of 10 000 metrics tons and a 
production quotas of 25 metrics tons daily.
The company Seawork Fish Processor offers different types of products from Hake, fish which are fillets (skin-on and skin–off), real loins, hake portions and moulded loins. Seawork Fish Processor is very concern with sustainability and thus set target to respect the Namibian laws which makes the company win the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) warranty.  The firm makes sure that the hake fish is fully traceable from raw materials to end products. 

Mr. Peter Pahl, director of Seawork Fish Processor said that the company is targeting new continent such as Australia to develop new products which can be highly beneficial for the Namibian economy. As a global supplier, hake fish is in great demand as exports are done through the EU to countries such as Germany, 
Holland, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Austria and Switzerland.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fisheries getting better in the African Nations.

Namibia – A new project has begun in Windhoek to improve and promote the main marine industry in the African countries. The project was launched by the (BCC) Benguela Current Commission and this mission consists of helping the countries to improve the management of the fisheries and carry out a well planned ecosystem approach. The three tagged countries are the Angola, South Africa and Namibia. These regions are the principal targets of the ECOFISH project as they are the areas which have the most important stocks of Horse Mackerel, Sardinella and Hake in Africa.  At the world summit in 2002 the specific countries promise to apply the ecosystem approach to fisheries management and the ECOFISH would help them out to carry this task.

The project consists of improving the countries capacity to create and process new data.  The ECOFISH will help to develop a better way of collecting new socio-economic data and make sure that information about fishing communities are taken into consideration. The ECOFISH project will be sponsor by the European Union and a contribution of €1.5 million will be available for year 2011 to 2015.  This sponsorship of the Science Program will complement with the Benhuela Current Commission through the Norway Government.

The Namibian Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Mr. Bernard Esau expressed his gratification to all the supporting associations responsible for this improvement in Namibia. He said that this support has come at an appropriate time as the country was facing some difficulties due to lack of resources.  Fortunately the country will be able to face and fill the gaps with the donation from the EU.