
Monday, December 5, 2011

Norway exports of cod hits top record.

The cod fish is one of the most important marine fish in Norway. Cod is found in the northern reaches of the Atlantic Ocean and about 500, 000 tons of fish are captured each year.
In October the overseas sale of cod fish was of 157.5 million euro, it includes stockfish, salted and dried cod. Compared to last year an increase of 4% is visible and this rise is highly beneficial for the Norway export market.
Norway profited about 1.23 million euro due to the foreign export of all types of cod fish.  The Norway cod and haddock continue to be in demand and this is a profitable and positive aspect for the country’s fishing industry. The country’s economy is prospering from the frozen fish with a total export of 39.7 million euro and is 77% higher than in October 2010. The only competitor of Norway is China which is considered as the biggest single importer of white fish.
Farming of cod is also on the rise but a decrease of 43% was noted. Despite this decrease in export of fishes like farmed cods and salmons, Norway and china remains the 2 biggest export countries.