
Friday, February 4, 2011

Fish consumption reduce diseases

The American government’s new dietary strategy need to include the double quantity of fish intake in their meal to reduce the risk of heart disease, Statics says that people should consume at least 8 ounces weekly but presently people consume just 3 ½ ounces which is not enough for the good function of the heart, a guideline says. Fish intake diminished the risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease says Tom Vilsack, a US secretary department of agriculture.

The new dietary strategy is to include at least two fish dishes in the Americana’s meals and the news highlight this matter with the USDA so that they can include this to their plans.
Seafood includes nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acid which reduce the risk of heart problems.
Consuming fish and other seafood reduce the risk linked with methyl mercury.
Some seafood which is rich in Omega-3 and less in Mercury are:

·         Atlantic and pacific mackerel
·         Herring
·         Sardines
·         Pacific oyster
·         Trout
·         Salmon
·         Anchovies
·         Flounder
·         Canned tuna
·         crab

 A registered dietician in Boston says that she is glad about the seafood diet plan but she doubt that people apply it to their daily life as fish consumption is scarcely low and that would take time for people to include it to their meals.  Meanwhile, it is suggest that people who isn’t eating fish to include food with omega-3 in their meal like for e.g. cheese milk or eggs.