Namibia is a country well-known for its fishing industry and export market. After a decline of 2.0% in 2011, the fish processing and fishing sector is expected to improve this year.
The bank stated in the latest Economic Outlook Report that the total landings improvement in 2011 is due to the fishing sector. It is expected that the improvement and conditions continues with an increase in fishing quotas. The Namibian fishing sector is hopeful for a good fisheries management in 2012 with good prospects forms the local fishing industries. It was also added that the sizes and rates of catch are extremely good resulting in high catch efficiencies. The Ministry of Fisheries might increase the TACs and Quotas due to pressure.
The prospects for horse mackerel in the Namibian fishing industry are positive as due to an increase in the (TAC) total allowable catch. The hake supply has firmly recovered compared to the year before. But the TAC remain same for 2012 at 140 000 tonnes. The 2012 TAC has not yet been announced, however, the latest research said that the pilchard TAC will remain same even after a double increase compare to 2011. Last year, the manufacturing sector has contributed with a 10.7% on the seashore fish processing.